Wednesday, November 19, 2008

encik bodoh.

just like everyday else, i waste my time at home by sleeping and watching tv. i don't online that much, but tonight i do because i effin bored i dnt know wht to do. wait wait there's nothing to do pon --" onlin pon bosan nak mampos. gahh. i cmmt with a few people, they were kind and i keep watching nadrah's profile, idkw. argh i just can't take it anymore, i missed her so much. aaaaahhh crack that out. she's different now and oh zetty online wee(: i missed her too. after mama reach home i asked her to sent me to seven11 then tibe2 yg sister wants to follow *gedik gila --" haha then time kt seven11 tu i bought a few stuffs and so does her. i gave the money to me so im the one who paid at the counter and my sister was checking out the mag. there's a conversation between me and the cashier and his friend *they're very idiot :P
cashier : tu kakak eh ?
emma : uhh bukan tu kakak ipar
c 's friend : oh dah kawin eh
emma : kalau dah kakak ipar dah kawin lah *sigh
c's friend : oh, umur dia berape ?
emma : umur die 27
c's friend : lah dah tertipu rupanye. dah 27 ciss *pissed off
cashier : *heartbroken --" ehh beli ni je. amik la nasi lmk
emma : whtt ? *annoyed
and i went in the car and told my mom and sister the story. my sister says wht 27 ? dah kawin ? haha bodooo gila